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Runtime API Examples

This page demonstrates usage of some of the runtime APIs provided by VitePress.

The main useData() API can be used to access site, theme, and page data for the current page. It works in both .md and .vue files:

<script setup>
import { useData } from 'vitepress'

const { theme, page, frontmatter } = useData()

## Results

### Theme Data
<pre>{{ theme }}</pre>

### Page Data
<pre>{{ page }}</pre>

### Page Frontmatter
<pre>{{ frontmatter }}</pre>


Theme Data

  "logo": "/logo.svg",
  "nav": [
      "text": "Home",
      "link": "/"
      "text": "Dev",
      "link": "/dev/postgresql_backup_restore",
      "activeMatch": "/dev/"
      "text": "Docker",
      "link": "/docker/vitepress",
      "activeMatch": "/docker/"
      "text": "Examples",
      "link": "/markdown-examples"
  "outline": {
    "level": "deep",
    "label": "页面导航"
  "sidebar": {
    "/docker/": [
        "text": "Docker 安装",
        "items": [
            "text": "CentOS 安装 Docker ",
            "link": "/docker/install_centos"
        "text": "Docker 使用",
        "items": [
            "text": "Docker 常用命令",
            "link": "/docker/command"
            "text": "Docker Dockerfile",
            "link": "/docker/docker_file"
            "text": "Docker Compose",
            "link": "/docker/compose"
        "text": "Docker 实例",
        "items": [
            "text": "Docker 安装 VitePress",
            "link": "/docker/vitepress"
            "text": "Docker 安装 PostGIS",
            "link": "/docker/postgis"
            "text": "Docker 安装 Minio",
            "link": "/docker/minio"
            "text": "Docker 安装 Nginx",
            "link": "/docker/nginx"
            "text": "Docker 安装 CentOS",
            "link": "/docker/centos"
            "text": "Docker 安装 GeoServer",
            "link": "/docker/geoserver"
            "text": "Docker 安装 kafka",
            "link": "/docker/kafka"
            "text": "Docker 安装 elastricsearch",
            "link": "/docker/elastricsearch"
            "text": "Docker 安装 elk",
            "link": "/docker/docker_elk"
    "/dev/": [
        "text": "开发技术",
        "items": [
            "text": "python 实现批量导出PDF ",
            "link": "/dev/python_batch_export"
            "text": "linux 安装nodejs环境 ",
            "link": "/dev/linux_nodejs"
            "text": "maven 配置本地jar ",
            "link": "/dev/maven_local_jar"
            "text": "spring cache 使用",
            "link": "/dev/springcache"
            "text": "cookie和session简单示例",
            "link": "/dev/cookie_session"
        "text": "开发框架",
        "items": [
            "text": "ruoyi-vue-plus 登录流程 ",
            "link": "/dev/ruoyi_login"
            "text": "ruoyi-vue-plus 缓存 ",
            "link": "/dev/ruoyi_cache"
            "text": "ruoyi-vue-plus 加密传输 ",
            "link": "/dev/ruoyi_crypt"
            "text": "ruoyi-vue-plus POJO转换 ",
            "link": "/dev/ruoyi_pojo"
        "text": "数据库",
        "items": [
            "text": "postgreSQL 备份及还原 ",
            "link": "/dev/postgresql_backup_restore"
            "text": "oracle     备份及还原 ",
            "link": "/dev/oracle_backup_restore"
            "text": "oracle 创建SDE空间库 ",
            "link": "/dev/oracle_sde"
  "footer": {
    "message": "备案号:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">赣ICP备2023003331号</a>",
    "copyright": "Copyright © 2019-2024 Mou"
  "search": {
    "provider": "local"
  "socialLinks": [
      "icon": "github",
      "link": ""

Page Data

  "title": "Runtime API Examples",
  "description": "",
  "frontmatter": {
    "outline": "deep"
  "headers": [],
  "relativePath": "",
  "filePath": ""

Page Frontmatter

  "outline": "deep"


Check out the documentation for the full list of runtime APIs.